Expressing Support for Local Law Enforcement Officers and Condemning Efforts to Defund Local Law Enforcement Agencies

Floor Speech

Date: May 14, 2024
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. JORDAN. Madam Speaker, I move to suspend the rules and agree to the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 106) expressing support for local law enforcement officers and condemning efforts to defund local law enforcement agencies.

The Clerk read the title of the concurrent resolution.

The text of the concurrent resolution is as follows: H. Con. Res. 106

Whereas the brave men and women in local law enforcement work tirelessly to protect the communities they serve;

Whereas local law enforcement officers are tasked with upholding the rule of law and ensuring public safety;

Whereas local law enforcement officers selflessly put themselves in harm's way to fight crime, get drugs off the streets, and protect the innocent;

Whereas defunding police narratives vilify and demonize local law enforcement officers and put them at greater risk of danger;

Whereas local law enforcement officers take an oath to never betray the public trust;

Whereas the local law enforcement community protects our streets, acknowledges the rights of all Americans, and keeps citizens safe from harm;

Whereas local law enforcement officers are recognized for their public service to all, knowing they face extremely dangerous situations while carrying out their duties;

Whereas a healthy and collaborative relationship between local law enforcement officers and the communities they serve is essential to creating mutually respectful dialogue; and

Whereas local law enforcement officers deserve respect and profound gratitude: Now, therefore, be it

Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That Congress--

(1) recognizes and appreciates the dedication and devotion demonstrated by the men and women of local law enforcement who keep the Nation's communities safe;

(2) extends its gratitude to all local law enforcement officers and their families for their sacrifice and service; and

(3) condemns calls to defund, disband, dismantle, or abolish the police.


Mr. JORDAN. Con. Res. 106.


Mr. JORDAN. Madam Speaker, I yield such time as he might consume to the gentleman from the great State of Mississippi (Mr. Ezell), who is a sponsor of the legislation).


Mr. JORDAN. Madam Speaker, I yield myself the balance of my time to close.

Madam Speaker, a little over a year ago, Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders gave the response to President Biden's State of the Union Address. I thought she did a wonderful job, but the line that stuck out to me was, in the course of her remarks, she said that the divide in America today is normal versus crazy.

My colleagues can start thinking about some of the crazy policies that are advocated by the radical left. I mean, it is crazy not to have a border. It is crazy to think noncitizens should be able to vote in our Federal elections. It is crazy to think boys should compete against girls in sports.

How about this one: It is crazy, in my mind, to let a Chinese spy balloon fly clear across the country and then shoot it down. I don't know, but I think most people I represent would probably have shot it down before it went across the country.

Additionally, it is crazy to defund the police. Americans understand that instinctively, yet that is something that the left has advocated now for--what?--5 years. We should thank the numerous law enforcement officers who have come to Washington, D.C., for Police Week and all those across our great country. Every day, police officers put their lives on the line to safeguard our families and communities.

The left's defund the police movement continues to cause detrimental effects across our Nation, with attacks against police officers increasing and becoming more brazen. We have all seen it. We saw it on the streets of New York City. We have all seen it happen, the harmful rhetoric that has demoralized our police officers and directly impacted their ability to maintain public safety.

Law enforcement agencies across the country are facing challenges in recruiting and retaining qualified law enforcement officers. It is why I supported the bill that we just passed. The gentleman from Maryland (Mr. Ivey) was right on that one.

This resolution is exactly what is needed. Congress must declare that we oppose the defund the police rhetoric. H. Con. Res. 106 seeks to correct these false and harmful narratives by explicitly condemning efforts to undermine law enforcement agencies.

This resolution acknowledges and expresses the gratitude of Congress for the dedication and commitment shown by the men and women of law enforcement. Law enforcement officers and their families serve and make sacrifices every single day for the good of our communities.

This resolution is rooted in commonsense, normal policy. I believe we can all agree that the defund the police movement was a disgrace, and our police officers deserve better.

Let's all work together, taking a stand against cutting our police department funding and calling for not abolishing the police but actually funding our law enforcement officers, again, in our municipalities, in our counties, and all over our country.

Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to support the resolution, and I yield back the balance of my time.

