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Bruce Braley's Public Statements on Issue: Entitlements and the Safety Net

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Date Title
11/06/2014 Letter to John Boehner, Speaker of the House and Nancy Pelosi, Minority Leader of the House - Sustainable Growth Rate
10/28/2014 The Des Moines Register - Braley Puts Focus On Working Class
10/20/2014 Braley Responds to Ernst's Admission of Painful Consequences of her Proposals: "I don't think inflicting pain is putting Iowa first"

New Ad - Social Security: Braley's Plan Strengthens Program, Increases Benefits; Joni Ernst Would Rather Privatize Social Security and Protect Millionaires from Paying Fair Share
10/13/2014 Braley Highlights Clear Choice on Retirement Security in Cedar Rapids
10/01/2014 Braley Visits Cedar Rapids and Iowa City to Discuss His Plans to Fight for Working Iowans
08/14/2014 Braley Statement on Social Security's 79th Anniversary
08/02/2014 Release: Braley Endorseed by Alliance for Retired
07/24/2014 Five Years Since Last Minimum Wage Increase, Braley Fights to Give 300,000 Iowans a Raise
07/18/2014 the Globe Gazette - Social Security Drops Plan to Limit Face to Face Services
07/15/2014 Privatizing Social Security Isn't Answer
07/03/2014 Sioux City Journal - Sioux City Stop: Braley Continues Social Security Defense
07/03/2014 Omaha World Herald - Bruce Braley Stops in Council Bluffs, Advocates Minimum Wage Increase
07/02/2014 Ottumwa Courier - Braley: "Stark Choice' in Senate Election
07/02/2014 Mason City Globe Gazette - Braley Cites Difference with Ernst
06/27/2014 Issue Position: Budget and Deficit
06/27/2014 Issue Position: Seniors
06/25/2014 Des Moines Register - "Braley Opposes Cuts to 19 Iowa Social Security Offices"
06/25/2014 Braley Introduces Legislation to Prevent Cuts to 19 Iowa Social Security Offices
06/20/2014 Letter to Carolyn Colvin, Commissioner of Social Security Administration - Reconsideration of SSA Decisions
06/06/2014 Braley Endorses Framework of McCain/Sanders Package to Reform VA
02/20/2014 Following Braley Push, Administration Drops Social Security Cut
02/19/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Oppose Cuts to Social Security
02/19/2014 Letter to Barack Obama, President of the United States - Exclude 'Chained CPI' from Budget
02/11/2014 Extension of Direct Spending Reduction for Fiscal Year 2024

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