Braley Highlights Clear Choice on Retirement Security in Cedar Rapids

Press Release

Date: Oct. 13, 2014
Location: Cedar Rapids, IA

Today Bruce Braley met with seniors at Kingston Hill, a senior center in Cedar Rapids, to discuss the clear choice in the U.S. Senate race on retirement security. While Bruce is on the side of Iowa's seniors and is fighting to protect and strengthen Social Security, state Sen. Ernst supports proposals to privatize Social Security and threaten seniors' guaranteed benefits.

"Social Security is a promise that if you work hard, the benefits you've earned will be there for you when you retire," said Braley. "I support a plan to strengthen Social Security so it can continue to pay guaranteed benefits long into the future, and I strongly oppose proposals to privatize the program. But Sen. Ernst says she would consider privatizing Social Security--which would gamble retirees' savings on Wall Street--and she would end Medicare as we know it. That's not a retirement plan for Iowans, that's a retirement plan for Wall Street executives--and it's wrong for Iowa."

Bruce Braley, who has earned the endorsement of the National Committee to Preserve Social Security and Medicare and the Alliance for Retired Americans, strongly opposes risky privatization schemes that end guaranteed benefits and put Iowa seniors' retirement security in the hands of Wall Street.

In contrast, state Sen. Joni Ernst has called privatizing Social Security--which would undermine the program and put benefits at risk--an "option." Sen. Ernst has also supported plans that would end Medicare's guaranteed benefits, increase health care costs, and reopen the prescription drug donut hole.

Last month, Braley for Iowa released a 99-county report detailing the devastating impact of state Sen. Joni Ernst's plan to privatize Social Security, cut Medicare and end guaranteed benefits for Iowa seniors in all 99 Iowa counties.
