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Mark Kennedy's Public Statements on Issue: Energy

Date Title
08/23/2006 Kennedy and Coleman Applaud Final Design Phase Approval for Northstar
08/11/2006 Kennedy Seeks Answers on Pipeline Closures
06/30/2006 Kennedy Supports Increasing Natural Gas Supply
06/07/2006 Kennedy Supports Increasing Refinery Capacity
05/10/2006 Press Release - Kennedy Prevents Tax Hikes for Working Families
05/10/2006 Press Release - Kennedy Admonishes Talks of Tariff-Cutting
05/03/2006 Press Release - Kennedy Supports Steps to Bring Down Gas Prices
05/02/2006 Press Release - Kennedy Proposes Suspending the Gas Tax for the Summer
05/02/2006 High Gas Prices
04/25/2006 Press Release-Kennedy Commends Administration for Calling for an End to Unnecessary Tax Breaks for Oil Companies
03/10/2006 Press Release- Kennedy Applauds Excellent News for Our Economy
02/01/2006 Press Release- Kennedy Encourages Energy Independence
01/05/2006 Kennedy Applauds Funds for Low Income Heating
12/21/2005 Kennedy Lauds Our Robust Economy
09/30/2005 Gas Prices, What We Can Do
09/28/2005 Kennedy Reacts to the Indictment of Tom Delay
09/09/2005 Kennedy Supports Suspending the Gas Tax, Bringing Gas Prices Down
07/28/2005 Kennedy: Finally, Common Sense Energy Policy!
07/06/2005 Kennedy Hosts Interactive Hydrogen Car Event
06/28/2005 Congressman Kennedy Lauds Senate Passage of a Common-Sense Energy Bill
04/21/2005 Press Release- Kennedy Supports Common Sense Energy Policy
04/20/2005 Energy Policy Act of 2005
04/20/2005 Press Release- Kennedy Opposes Drilling in ANWR
09/27/2004 Kennedy Statement on Governor Pawlenty's Ethanol Announcement