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Bernie Sanders' Public Statements on Issue: Employment and Affirmative Action


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. Senate (VT) - Sr

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Date Title
11/14/2023 Chairman Sanders Leads HELP Committee Hearing on Labor Movement Resurgence and the Fight Against Corporate Greed
11/08/2023 NEWS: Sanders Stands with UVM Graduate Student Workers Moving to Unionize
10/18/2023 NEWS: Sanders, Brown, and 32 Colleagues Introduce Senate Resolution in Solidarity with UAW Workers on Strike
10/18/2023 NEWS: Sanders, Brown, and 32 Colleagues Introduce Senate Resolution in Solidarity with UAW Workers on Strike
10/17/2023 NEWS: Sanders Statement on the Field Hearing on the Nursing Crisis in New Jersey and Throughout the Country
09/25/2023 Bernie Sanders tweets about WGA Strikes
09/17/2023 Interview With Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
09/12/2023 NEWS: Sanders Statement on Corporate Media Coverage of Pending UAW Strike
08/27/2023 State of the Union: Interview with Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
08/22/2023 NEWS: Sanders Stands in Solidarity with Nearly 2,000 Nurses on Strike at One of New Jersey's Biggest Hospitals
07/25/2023 NEWS: Sanders, Scott, 29 Democratic Senators, Introduce Legislation to Raise the Minimum Wage to $17 by 2028, Benefitting Nearly 28 Million Workers Across America
07/19/2023 NEWS: In Letter to Teamsters, 28 Senate Democrats Commit to Not Intervene in Case of UPS Workers Strike
06/20/2023 NEWS: Chairman Sanders Opens Sweeping Investigation into Amazon Warehouse Safety and Calls for Amazon Workers to Share Their Stories
05/30/2023 NEWS: Ahead of HELP Hearing, Sanders and Murray Release Report on Worsening Child Care Crisis, Imminent Funding Cliff
05/17/2023 NEWS: Sanders, DeLauro, 122 Colleagues in the House and Senate Introduce Legislation that Would Finally Guarantee Paid Sick Leave to Workers in America
05/01/2023 MEDIA ADVISORY: Sanders to Make Announcement on Federal Minimum Wage
04/13/2023 MEDIA ADVISORY: Sanders, NDWA, SEIU to Hold Town Hall on the Child and Home Care Worker Crisis in America
02/08/2023 Letter to Railroad Company CEOs - NEWS: Sanders Demands Paid Sick Days for Rail Workers
02/08/2023 Letter Railroad Company CEOs - NEWS: Sanders Demands Paid Sick Days for Rail Workers
02/07/2023 Letter to Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks - NEWS: Chairman Sanders and All Democratic Members of HELP Committee Invite Starbucks CEO to Testify at Hearing on Company's Labor Practices
02/01/2023 Letter to Charles Barber, Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer, National Science Foundation - Senators Baldwin, Feinstein Call on National Science Foundation to Better Assess LGBTQI+ Representation in STEM
11/01/2022 Tweet - "I stand in solidarity with @CCWUnited workers striking at Maximus call centers today. If Maximus can afford to pay its CEO 208 times his median worker and spend $2 million on "bonuses" to cross the picket line, it can afford to pay workers a fair wage."
10/14/2022 Tweet - "Let me congratulate the Apple Store workers in Oklahoma City for voting to become the 2nd unionized Apple Store in the US. Last year, Apple made a record $95 billion profit. Its billionaire CEO made $99 million in 2021. It's time for Apple to treat its workers with respect."
10/12/2022 Tweet - "I stand in solidarity with Teamsters Local 320 at the University of Minnesota in the fight for better wages & working conditions. If UMN can afford to pay its president over $1 million and give her a 22% raise, it can afford to pay its workers a minimum wage of $20 an hour."
10/04/2022 Letter to Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks, Mellody Hobson, Chair of the Starbucks Board of Directors - Markey, Warren, Sanders, Blumenthal Blast Starbucks for Brazen, Illegal Union-busting Campaign

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