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JB Pritzker's Public Statements on Issue: Abortion

Date Title
08/27/2023 State of the Union: Interview with Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D-IL)
04/07/2023 Gov. Pritzker Blasts Ruling in Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine v. FDA, Applauds Order in Washington v. FDA Protecting Abortion Medication Access
03/14/2023 14 governors call on major pharmacies to clarify plans on medication abortion
03/14/2023 Gov. Pritzker Joins 14 Governors in Call to Major Pharmacies to Clarify Position on Medication Abortion Access
03/05/2023 "Face the Nation" on March 5, 2023
08/04/2022 Gov. Pritzker Announces Medicaid Reimbursement Increases and Expanded Title X Funds for Reproductive Health Care Providers
07/05/2022 Joint Statement From Governor Pritzker, Senate President Harmon, and House Speaker Welch on Special Legislative Session to Protect Reproductive Rights
06/24/2022 Lt. Governor Stratton's Statement on the Supreme Court's Overturning of Roe V. Wade
06/24/2022 Gov. Pritzker's Remarks Following the Supreme Court's Decision to Overturn Roe v. Wade
06/24/2022 Gov. Pritzker to Call Special Session for Reproductive Health Rights, with Support from Speaker Welch and President Harmon
05/11/2022 Governor JB Pritzker Calls on Federal Lawmakers to Protect Women's Rights with Roe v. Wade Under Threat
05/03/2022 Letter to Nancy Pelosi, Speaker of the House, Charles Schumer, Senate Majority Leader, Kevin McCarthy, Minority Leader of the House, Mitch McConnell, Senate Minority Leader - Governor Lamont Joins Coalition of 17 Governors Urging Congressional Leaders To Take Immediate Action Protecting Reproductive Rights
05/03/2022 Gov. Pritzker Speaks Out Against Overturning of Roe v. Wade, Affirms Reproductive Rights
10/28/2021 Gov. Pritzker Statement on the Full Passage of HB 370
06/12/2019 Gov. Pritzker Signs Reproductive Health Act, Making Illinois a National Leader Amid Flurry of Attacks on Reproductive Rights
01/22/2019 Executive Order 2019-05