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Joshua Gottheimer's Public Statements on Issue: Executive Branch


On The Ballot: Running, Democratic for U.S. House (NJ) - District 5

Date Title
02/01/2023 Letter to Joseph R. Biden, President of the United States - Ahead of State of the Union, Capito Urges Biden to Restore Ondcp Director to Cabinet-level Position
09/07/2021 Letter to the Hon. Thomas J. Vilsack, Secretary of Agriculture - O'Halleran Advocates for Animal Safety in Extreme Weather Events
05/11/2021 Letter to Hon. Merrick Garland, U.S. Attorney General - Congressman Nadler Leads Bicameral Letter to Attorney General Garland Seeking DOJ Review of 'State Secrets Privilege'
04/14/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Jacobs Join Bipartisan Call for Boosting Domestic Semiconductor Manufacturing
04/12/2021 Letter to President Joe Biden, President of the US - Menendez, Booker Applaud Major Disaster Declaration for Five Counties After Winter Nor'easter Slammed the State
04/12/2021 Letter to Joe Biden, President of the United States - Tonko, Schumer, Gillibrand, Katko Call on Biden Administration to Invest in U.S. Semiconductor Production
07/24/2020 Letter to the Hon. Bennie Thompson, Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, and the Hon. Jerrold Nadler, Chairman of the House Committee on the Judiciary - Rep. Sherrill Leads Colleagues in Urging Homeland Security, Judiciary Committees to Continue Robust Oversight and Begin Investigations into Federal Law Enforcement Actions in Portland
12/20/2019 Letter to the Hon. Donald J. Trump, President of the United States - Schneider, Wasserman Schultz Lead Jewish Members of Congress in Call for Dismissal of White House Senior Advisor Stephen Miller
12/16/2019 STATEMENT: Gottheimer Statement on Articles of Impeachment
10/31/2019 Statement: Gottheimer Statement on Inquiry Process
09/24/2019 Statement: Congressman Josh Gottheimer issued the following statement on reports of a whistleblower complaint against the President regarding Ukraine
02/28/2019 Congressman Gonzalez Joins Bipartisan Resolution to Claw Back Power from The Executive Branch
07/09/2018 Letter to the Hon. Donald Trump - Rescind Illegal Anti-Worker Executive Orders
05/11/2017 Letter to the Hon. Ryan Zinke, Secretary of the Interior - Federal Waters Executive Order
04/10/2017 Letter to President Trump - Congress Members Calls on President and Congress to Recognize Armenian Genocide
03/10/2017 Letter to Donald Trump, President of the United States - Prioritize Appointment of the Special Envoy to Monitor and Combat Anti-Semitism
03/02/2017 Letter to the Hon. Orrin Hatch, Chairman of the Senate Committee on Finance and the Hon. Kevin Brady, Chairman of the House Committee on Ways and Means - Pascrell, 163 Bipartisan Colleagues Call on Congress to Request Trump Tax Returns
02/28/2017 Gottheimer Statement on President's Address
02/16/2017 Letter to Donald Trump, President of the United States - Do Not Exempt Religious Organizations from Nondiscrimination Protections
02/14/2017 Letter to Donald Trump, President of the United States - Problem Solvers Caucus Meeting on Infrastructure
02/01/2017 Letter to Hon. Gene Dodaro, Comptroller General of the United States - Trump's Chaotic Refugee Ban
01/28/2017 Congressman Josh Gottheimer's Statement on the Administration's Recent Executive Order
01/13/2017 Josh Gottheimer Statement on Russian Cyberattacks on the United States