Safe Climate Caucus

Floor Speech

Date: July 8, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. Speaker, even though many in Congress still refuse to admit that climate change is a very real problem, the administration has been leading action on what has become one of the most important issues of our generation.

This week the White House announced a new initiative to increase access to solar energy, especially in low- and moderate-income communities. This is a critical step to reducing our carbon footprint and showing the world that we are, indeed, ready to lead by example when it comes to clean energy innovation.

The initiative expands training and education for jobs in the solar industry and is a partnership with the private sector to increase diversity in a new ``green collar'' workforce. Access to clean, reliable energy results in good-paying jobs, cleaner air, and an opportunity for our innovators and entrepreneurs to grow our economy.

As a member of the Safe Climate Caucus and a co-chair of the Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition, I applaud and support the administration's announcement this week and will continue to press for broader climate action in this Congress.

