Improving Coal Combustion Residuals Regulation act of 2015

Floor Speech

Date: July 22, 2015
Location: Washington D.C.


Mr. Chairman, I rise today to support H.R. 1734, the Improving Coal Combustion Residuals Regulation Act. This commonsense legislation will ensure that coal combustion products are safely regulated by empowering the States to regulate it at fixed standards without overwhelming consumers' wallets. It also gives the EPA the authority to act to protect the public should a State fail to implement its own regulations.

Coal combustion products have become a significant sector of the economy, providing jobs and environmental and safety benefits. The recycling of coal combustion products reduces greenhouse gas emissions, extends the life and durability of the Nation's roads and bridges, and reduces the amount that must be disposed of in landfills or surface impoundments.

If EPA reverses its decision not to regulate coal ash as a hazardous material, as they are considering, the cost to Floridians could be astronomical because Florida law does not permit hazardous waste landfills. Utilities would then be forced to export the ash to neighboring States, the result of which would be higher out-of-pocket energy costs for my constituents. We can't have that.

Overregulating the recycling of coal combustible products will only serve to hurt the environment and increase the costs to consumers. These are things we should be avoiding, not promoting.

This legislation will protect jobs and provide certainty to States, utilities, and businesses that recycle coal combustible products.

I urge my colleagues to support this important piece of legislation.

