Murphy Leads Delegation Effort to Block Offshore Drilling


U.S. Representatives Patrick E. Murphy (FL-18) led an effort in the House of Representatives, along with Florida U.S. Representatives Bill Posey (FL-08), Kathy Castor (FL-14), David Jolly (FL-13), Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (FL-27), Gwen Graham (FL-02), Curt Clawson (FL-19), Vern Buchanan (FL-16), Alcee Hastings (FL-20), Ron DeSantis (FL-06), Alan Grayson (FL-09), and Frederica Wilson (FL-24) that would block the use of seismic testing off Florida's coasts. Seismic testing is the first step in an effort to begin offshore drilling. The delegation offered an amendment to the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act.

"The environmental treasures we cherish here in Florida are jeopardized as a result of seismic testing," said Rep. Murphy. "Florida is a unique place that depends on healthy beaches, clean waters, and a safeguarded environment. The economic and environmental risks far outweigh the rewards when it comes to offshore drilling, and I will continue to work with our delegation to protect our coast."

"There are strong concerns that certain seismic testing activities can be harmful to undersea life," said Rep. Bill Posey. "This amendment simply prohibits federal funding of seismic testing off Florida's coast for one year so we can better determine its effects."

"An oil spill off the coast of Florida could devastate the natural ecosystems and beautiful beaches that define our community and support our economy," said Rep. Ros-Lehtinen. "The potential environmental and economic costs of a spill far outweigh the benefits to our local communities."

"This weekend, I spent a Workday at a hotel in Panama City Beach, where all of the guests were visiting for one reason: our beautiful beaches," Rep. Graham said. "They're the lifeblood of our state's economy, and our congressional delegation must work together, from coast to coast and across party lines, to protect Florida's beaches from oil drilling."

"Florida's coastline is one of our state's most precious resources. It means millions in revenue from recreation and tourism," said Rep. Grayson. "It is also home to a varied and wonderful variety of marine life. Anything that threatens that marine life is a threat to Florida. I'm proud to be an original co-sponsor of this measure to prevent the first step towards off-shore drilling off our coasts."

Late Tuesday night, the amendment failed by voice vote during debate.

In May, Reps. Murphy, Posey, Graham, Hastings, Lois Frankel (FL-22), and Debbie Wasserman Schultz (FL-23) filed legislation to prohibit seismic testing along Florida's Atlantic coast. The legislation received the support of three of the nation's leading environmental groups - the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC), Oceana, and the National Park Conservation Association.
