Huelskamp Elated by House Vote to Delist Lesser Prairie Chicken

Press Release

Date: May 15, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Today Congressman Tim Huelskamp (KS-01) announced that the National Defense Authorization Act passed with his cosponsored amendment to delist the Lesser Prairie Chicken (LPC). The amendment requires the United States Fish and Wildlife Service to delist the LPC, relieving Kansas farmers, ranchers, realtors and nearly every rural industry of this burdensome, job-killing over-regulation. It would return responsibility of LPC conservation to farmers; ranchers; and state, county, and local governments; instead of allowing Washington bureaucrats to control our economy.

Huelskamp issued the following statement:

"I have been working hard to get the federal government off the backs of my fellow farmers, ranchers, small business owners and our rural economy. With passage of this amendment, we begin ending the massive regulatory threat to our rural way of life from the ill-conceived listing of the Lesser Prairie Chicken. It is high time that we place a greater value on the citizens of rural America than the Lesser Prairie Chicken. After years of work, it's great to be able to help deliver this victory."

Huelskamp has been a leader in the multi-year effort to delay, stop, and overturn the USFWS's dangerous listing of the LPC. His efforts since 2011 include multiple public statements; pressure on federal bureaucrats; coordinating efforts with counties, the state of Kansas, local farmers, ranchers, and energy companies; public comments in LPC hearings; and legislative efforts like this.
