A Dangerous Deal for America


Date: May 14, 2015

Congress should review any nuclear agreement between the Obama Administration and Iran.

That's why I have supported important legislation that will force President Obama to bring his nuclear deal to Congress for a review and debate in front of the American people.

This legislation passed with veto-proof majorities in the House and the Senate.

President Obama has been trying to sell the American people on his nuclear deal with Iran, yet the framework of the agreement fails to even meet the goals the President himself originally set. Rather than pressing for a complete elimination of Iran's nuclear program, the Administration chose to boost Iran's economy in exchange for merely slowing down their nuclear development. I believe the result is an agreement that is reckless, dangerous, and likely to lead to a nuclear bomb in the hands of the Iranians.

In 2012, President Obama pledged that "the deal we'll accept," is that Iran will "end their nuclear program." Additionally, he demanded that the Islamic republic, "abide by the U.N. resolutions that have been in place"--meaning Iran would have to stop all nuclear activity. Yet, the President's agreement does exactly the opposite by conceding that Iran be allowed to maintain its bomb-making technology. The rogue nation will continue with thousands of nuclear centrifuges for the next decade and then have no restraints on its nuclear enrichment in 15 years.

Plain and simple, this is a great deal for Iran, and a dangerous deal for America.

We should not accept any deal that falls short of a complete elimination of the rogue nation's atomic program. Unfortunately, it seems President Obama is more interested in signing any agreement to bolster his legacy and reinforce his world view than he is in working with Congress, and our allies in Israel, to craft a stronger solution that will put an end to Iran's quest for a nuclear bomb.

I am hopeful that with the strong bipartisan push to require a thorough review of any possible nuclear agreement, President Obama will abandon his plans for major concessions to the Iranians and instead work with Congress to craft an effective strategy that will put a complete end to Iran's nuclear ambitions.
