June 30th Newsletter


Around the Capitol
As Promised, A Water Bill
Californians have struggled under drought conditions for over a year, and soon the situation will be a national crisis. So far, every proposed legislative fix has been prohibitively expensive or politically unworkable. That is why I cosponsored H.R. 2868, the Western Water and American Food Security Act of 2015, which was introduced by Congressman Valadao (CA-21) last Thursday. The bill would work within state environmental laws to maximize the amount of drinking water available to Californians by setting up a process for increased pumping, capture, and storage.

Cleaning Up the Clean Power Plan
Last week I attended my first Energy Subcommittee Hearing in my new role as Vice Chair. I discussed California's difficult experience with burdensome regulations in relation to the Environmental Protection Agency's so-called Clean Power Plan.

Art Competition at the Capitol

Congratulations once again to Alex Farrell from Bowman High on winning the Congressional Art Competition! Welcome to Washington, DC to him and his family.

When Small Business Meets Veterans Affairs

The Committee on Small Business Subcommittee on Investigations, Oversight and Regulations held a hearing with the Committee on Veterans' Affairs Subcommittee on Oversight & Investigations last week. I discussed the changes that the VA needs to make in order to give our veterans the quality service that they need and deserve.

Around the District
Tour of General Atomics
Yesterday I toured the General Atomics Aeronautical facility in Palmdale to learn about the many exciting developments in the aerospace industry. Here I am pictured with the new Predator-C.

Welcoming President Mann
On Friday I spoke at the Lancaster Chamber of Commerce's 113th Installation Banquet. We installed the Chamber's new President, Josh Mann. Best of luck to Mr. Mann and the Chamber in the coming year!

Air Traffic Control
I had an enlightening experience while visiting with the good folks at the Los Angeles Air Route Traffic Control Center in Palmdale. Driving by the facility, you wouldn't know that hundreds of talented people toil 24 hours a day, 7 days a week making the skies above Southern California and the West safer. The jobs and safety they provide are a very important part of our economy.

Happy Independence Day
I wish everyone a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July. Hopefully I will see you around town!
