Rep. McNerney Issues Statement on Iran Nuclear Agreement


Date: July 14, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Jerry McNerney (CA-09) issued the following statement in response to President Obama's announcement that the P5+1 nations have reached a nuclear agreement with Iran:

"The real possibility of a nuclear-armed Iran and its ability to foster instability in the Middle East region is a threat that concerns the entire international community. This threat has caused increasing likelihood of armed conflict with unpredictable and possibly devastating consequences. I have supported sanctions and negotiations as an alternative to certain conflict. Now that President Obama and global leaders have negotiated a diplomatic solution to curb Iran's nuclear capabilities, it is the responsibility of Congress to give the agreement the review and scrutiny it deserves.

"Congress must ensure that this deal provides sufficient safeguards to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons, including the right measure of sanctions and international inspections to keep Iran in line with the terms of the agreement. While this agreement is an important step toward a more peaceful world we must remain watchful to ensure that Iran continues to act in good faith without deviation. We should only advance an agreement with Iran that is in our best national interest, and protects the security of the American people -- both at home and abroad."
