Export-Import Bank

Floor Speech

By: Tim Walz
By: Tim Walz
Date: June 24, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Mr. Speaker, I rise with my colleagues who have spoken before in support of the Export-Import Bank, which is an absolutely vital tool that helps businesses of all sizes compete in the world market.

It does this not by competing with private sector lenders, but by partnering with them. The Bank fills gaps and provides loans to folks that the private sector is often unwilling or often unable to provide, and it costs the taxpayers nothing. In fact, since 1990, it has generated $7 billion in deficit reduction.

The Export-Import Bank is overwhelmingly supported by Republicans and Democrats; business groups, like the Chamber of Commerce; and labor, like the AFL-CIO. Presidents Eisenhower, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and Obama have all been on board.

It sure seems like a commonsense measure, right? I think we have all learned in this Congress that a small, vocal extremist minority can derail the most bipartisan measures. Unfortunately, this is exactly what is happening.

I ask you, Speaker Boehner, to not allow that small, vocal extreme minority derail a very good program. That is not the way our government is supposed to work.

Southern Minnesota is working, too. Businesses like Davisco, Fastenal, and AGCO all rely on the Bank. The last thing they need is for Congress to get in the way and stop the growth, putting their prosperity at risk.

Speaker Boehner, all we are asking for is a simple thing. Bring it to the floor, and let us vote. If it passes, America is better off.
