Beatty Statement on the Supreme Court Upholding the Affordable Care Act

Press Release

Date: June 25, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Congresswoman Beatty (OH-03) released the following statement on the Supreme Court's 6-3 decision in King V. Burwell, upholding income-based insurance support provided to families under the Affordable Care Act (ACA):

"Today's ruling from the Supreme Court is a victory for the landmark healthcare law and for 161,000 Ohioans who are able to afford health insurance because of income-based insurance support allowed under the Affordable Care Act. Access to quality affordable healthcare has been a long time coming and now the highest court in our country has spoken and millions upon millions of American families will continue to benefit from the Affordable Care Act. After today's ruling, I hope we end the attempts to repeal a law that is a critical part of our nation's social safety net."
