Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act of 2015

Floor Speech

Date: March 26, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. Speaker, it couldn't be bipartisan if we didn't have good people on both sides of the aisle to get things done. I appreciate all the leadership on this side and this side to really get this to a finish point today.

Today, we do come together, we really do--Republicans and Democrats--to finally, finally fix Medicare's broken payment system, protect seniors' access to care, and, yes, strengthen Medicare and extend the Children's Health Insurance Program.

For way too long, the so-called SGR has been an axe over Medicare physicians and the seniors that they care for. It has sparked crisis after crisis for nearly 20 years, forcing this Congress to pass some 17 temporary measures to undo its faulty math and protect seniors' access to their trusted doctors. Those 17 patches also served as a ready-made vehicle for bigger government. Today, we put a stop to that gravy train, leave the SGR in the past, and begin to put Medicare on the right track.

This bill is good for seniors and for doctors who treat them. We repeal the flawed SGR formula and replace it with a bipartisan, bicameral agreement on a new system that promotes innovation and higher quality care. It removes the hassle and worry that so many seniors and physicians face from the cycle of repeated patches.

We also take steps to strengthen Medicare for current and future seniors with structural reforms, which will not only provide cost savings today, but the CBO has confirmed those savings will grow over time. And the budget that we passed last night fully accounts for the cost of those permanent reforms.

This package also extends benefits for millions of low-income families and children by extending the Children's Health Insurance Program for 2 years. This program provides high-quality, affordable coverage for roughly 8 million children and pregnant women and has been an example of sound bipartisan success.

I want to thank the bill's sponsor, Dr. Burgess, for his leadership on this issue from day one. He came to Congress to solve this problem and, today, we have a bill with his name on it to do just that.

I also commend the great subcommittee chair, Joe Pitts. Four years ago, we embarked together on this effort to end the SGR, and that hard work has brought us to this point.

I want to thank the full committee and the Health Subcommittee ranking members, Mr. Pallone, my good friend, and Mr. Green, for working, again, across the aisle from day one. We wouldn't be standing here together if we hadn't started together.

Also, a big thanks to the folks at the House Legislative Counsel, CBO, and the committee staff: Clay Alspach, Robert Horne, Josh Trent, Paul Edattel, and Noelle Clemente.

Finally, I want to thank my friends on the Ways and Means Committee and our leadership on both sides, from John Boehner and Kevin McCarthy to Nancy Pelosi and Steny Hoyer. We are, together, getting this done.

This is a long time coming. Most of us came to Congress to fight for our Nation's kids, seniors, and their families. Today's vote is a defining moment for this Congress and for Medicare. Those who vote ``no'' are not only voting against seniors but against the future of the critical safety net. That is why we all need to vote ``yes.''

