Rep. Loudermilk: SCOTUS Ruling Reinforces the Need to Hold Administration Accountable


Date: June 25, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Loudermilk (R-GA) has issued the following statement on today's Supreme Court ruling in King v. Burwell and his plans to launch an investigation into the collection of personally identifiable information through

"With the Supreme Court's ruling to uphold Obamacare's health care subsidies, it is now more important than ever to push for a full repeal of the law. In this disappointing 6-3 ruling, the Supreme Court reinforced the dangerous idea that government knows what's best for American families and our personal health care decisions.

"Many Americans are suffering, including those in my home state of Georgia, because of skyrocketing health care costs associated with Obamacare. When this bill of goods was sold to the American people, we were told, "If you like your health plan, you can keep it." Under Obamacare, the average American family pays nearly double -- even triple -- for the same or less coverage. When people are struggling simply to make ends meet, sticking American families with an exorbitant price tag for health insurance is unconscionable.

"Obamacare is a system of broken promises, and the only prescription is a full repeal. The latest broken promise surrounds new evidence that suggests the Administration may have misled Congress and the American people through storing personal identifiable data on -- the website where Americans sign up for Obamacare. The exposure of over 11 million people would not only undermine the trust of Americans who were assured their data was not stored on these systems, but it would put many families and children at great risk.

"I intend to diligently pursue this matter and ensure the illegal collection of data by our government is stopped, and the previously collected data is permanently removed. Our citizens deserve better than this, and I am committed to ensuring that America is once again a nation that is free, safe and full of opportunity."
