Hastings Recognizes Equal Pay Day

Press Release

Date: April 14, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Alcee L. Hastings (D-FL) released the following statement in observance of Equal Pay Day, which marks the point at which the average women's earnings finally equal those of their male counterparts from the previous year:

"Today we mark yet another Equal Pay Day, a day designated to acknowledging that despite passage of the Equal Pay Act over five decades ago, equal pay for equal work still remains a major issue.

"Although women make up almost 50 percent of the workforce, holding nearly two-thirds of minimum-wage jobs, women earn 78 cents for each dollar earned by their male counterparts nationally, and just over 84 cents for every dollar earned by men in Florida. The reality of this disparity is unacceptable and the time to close this wage gap is long overdue.

"I am proud to be an original co-sponsor of the Paycheck Fairness Act of 2015, a bill that would take significant steps to improve pay equity and increase penalties on employers paying discriminatory wages. Ensuring the economic security of the women in our workforce will improve the economic security of families -- when women succeed, America succeeds.

"Wage discrimination affects us all. Hardworking American women should not have to live in poverty. As we mark Equal Pay Day, I will continue to fight to ensure that women receive equal pay for equal work."
