Ribble Supports Increased Trade

Date: June 18, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Trade

U.S. Representative Reid Ribble (WI-08) today joined the majority of the House of Representatives in passing Trade Promotion Authority with a vote of 218 to 208.

"When we increase trade, Wisconsin's workers win," Ribble said. "Voting to approve TPA puts Congress in the driver's seat, allows us to set parameters for any potential trade deal that may occur, and makes sure that the public gets at least sixty days to read and weigh in on a potential trade deal before Congress votes on whether or not to accept it.

I am hopeful that the Trans-Pacific Partnership deal will be a victory for Wisconsin, as it should open up new markets for our cheese, milk, and butter all over the world, but especially in Canada and Japan. I am continuing to weigh in with the U.S. Trade Representative regarding issues that are important to Wisconsin while the deal is being negotiated. The agreement will be publicly available well before any vote to approve or disapprove of it, and at that point we will be able to determine whether or not it's a good deal for Wisconsin and America and vote accordingly."

Trade Promotion Authority, or TPA, is a set of guidelines for the United States Trade Representative who is negotiating on behalf of the U.S. with eleven other countries on the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal. It is not a trade deal itself, nor does it approve any trade deals. It is available here.

TPA gives Congress significantly more power in the trade deal negotiations than it would otherwise have. Under current law, the U.S. Trade Representative, appointed by the President, can negotiate without Congressional oversight and is not required to share significant details with Congress. Trade Promotion Authority keeps the administration accountable to Congress in a way that it would not otherwise be, and gives the U.S. Trade Representative a very clear set of parameters to follow.
