Issue Position: Foreign Policy - America's Role in the World: Stand with Our Allies and Stand Up to Our Adversaries

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2015

It's not just our strength and intelligence that defines us as a country; it's our willingness to stand with those who share our values and interests. We became the leader of the free world because we also chose to become the arsenal of democracy. And when we make a commitment to stand with our allies, our word is our bond. Or at least it used to be. Right now, we have a government that doesn't seem to care about all the blood and sweat and treasure that it took to build those alliances. Because we've broken our word.

Whoever is going to be our next Commander-in-Chief is going to make restoring America's word a priority. We need to make it clear to our friends and allies that we stand with them in the cause of freedom, and against all the gathering threats.
