Introduction Statement: Gun Violence Research Legislation

Floor Speech

Date: June 2, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. CAROLYN B. MALONEY of New York. Mr. Speaker, today I am proud to reintroduce legislation to finally permit the use of federal funds for long overdue research on firearm safety and gun violence.

For too long, Congress has failed to address the public health crisis caused by gun violence. On average, there are 32,000 deaths and 76,000 injuries from gun violence each year in the United States. Gun deaths now outpace traffic fatalities in our country. It is time to address the epidemic of gun violence and prevent future incidents. Public health research will help identify effective solutions we can implement in order to save lives.

The bill I introduce today, with companion legislation introduced by Sen. Ed Markey, would authorize $10 million in annual funding for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through Fiscal Year 2021. This funding will allow the CDC to implement the research agenda outlined in a 2013 report issued by the Institutes of Medicine that identified areas in need of study to better understand the underlying causes of gun violence and develop strategies for prevention.

Federal funding for gun violence research halted in the mid-1990s. As a result, policymakers and community leaders lack the authoritative public health research they need to address the horrifying persistence of gun violence. We have more gun-related deaths than any other developed country, yet we lack comprehensive, scientific information about the causes and characteristics of gun violence.

This public health crisis cannot be ignored any longer, and I'm proud to introduce this legislation that addresses the epidemic of gun violence and identifies the best strategies to prevent future incidents.

