Gov. Rick Snyder: Michigan Agency for Energy Will Prepare State to Meet Energy Challenges

Press Release

Date: May 18, 2015
Location: Lansing, MI
Issues: Energy

Michigan should be ready to adapt to energy challenges in the coming years, and seize the opportunity to develop solutions that will ensure families and businesses have affordable, reliable, and environmentally protective energy, Gov. Rick Snyder said today, launching the Michigan Agency for Energy (MAE).

The agency will serve as a single entity dedicated to getting all of state government departments and commissions the information and context they need to support Michigan's energy priorities. Snyder affirmed that Valerie Brader, who has previously served as the Governor's deputy legal counsel and senior policy advisor, will serve as MAE's executive director.

"Michiganders need to be confident that they'll have affordable and reliable power for their homes and businesses," Snyder said. "As our state faces the retirement of 10 coal-fired plants in the coming years, we also need to a plan moving forward that is adaptable and protects our environment, helping families and job-creators long into the future."

The agency was created through Executive Order 2015-10. In her new role, Brader will serve as the chief adviser to the governor and the directors of state departments regarding the development of energy policies and programs.

"As Michigan shifts from the energy sources of the past to those of our future, we will focus on energy policies that will help families and businesses have affordable, reliable, and environmentally-protective energy. We will make those decisions in Michigan and not be directed by Washington D.C." Brader said.

The Michigan Agency for Energy brings together the Air Policy Director and the Retired Engineers Technical Assistance Program from the Department of Environmental Quality; the Michigan Energy Office from the Michigan Economic Development Corporation; and the Michigan Public Service Commission, which will continue to operate autonomously from the agency.

In addition, the authorities of the Energy Advisory Committee (which has responsibilities related to energy emergencies) are transferred from the Michigan Department of Licensing and Regulatory Affairs to MAE's executive director. The agency is housed within LARA. It is located at 7109 W. Saginaw, in Lansing.

In his Special Message on Energy delivered on March 13, 2015, Snyder laid out his vision for Michigan's energy future. He first mentioned the creation of a new energy agency to guide the state's energy efforts in his 2015 State of the State address on Jan. 20.
