Issue Position: Education

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2015

In order to compete in the global economy, our nation needs the world's finest education system. No matter the district, our students deserve to have the tools they need to learn and grow. The latest research shows that children who receive early education, including preschool and pre-kindergarten, have a marked advantage over those who do not. Every child in America deserves this opportunity.

Today's students are also dealing with our current economic recovery. Most recently, many schools and other education programs are dealing with the impact of cuts caused by sequestration, or the across the board budget cuts that began in March of 2013. Congressman Larson voted against sequestration understanding it was the wrong way to deal with our fiscal issues, and will continue to work towards a balanced plan so that our students have the best resources available.

Congressman Larson has also fought to keep the costs of higher education down, joining his colleagues in condemning unnecessary burdens on recent and future college graduates. While financial aid gives many Americans an opportunity to pursue their dreams through higher education, the costs of that aid must be kept affordable.

The face of tomorrow's workforce is also changing across the nation. In Connecticut there are thousands of unfilled manufacturing jobs, a number expected to rise sharply as a generation of machinists and manufacturers retires. That's why Congressman Larson is working to build and strengthen partnerships between academia, manufacturers and government to better prepare and train those who wish to pursue a career in advanced manufacturing.

Congressman Larson has also worked to promote books and the Library of Congress in Connecticut, sharing various educational materials with teachers and students in the First District. Among these include information on Primary Source Sets for teachers and information on Library of Congress resources for students.

"As a nation, we must invest in our youth and ensure they have every tool and opportunity to succeed in the global economy." -- Congressman John B. Larson
