Issue Position: Current leadership or the lack thereof

Issue Position

Date: Jan. 1, 2015

As I have said before and I will continue to say throughout my campaign. "Leadership" is a word that is being thrown around loosely. Unfortunately and fortunately, everyone is not qualified to be a leader. Politicians and candidates running for elected seats tend to overuse the word simply because it sounds good and without knowing how much work, dedication, and sacrifice that is needed to be labeled a leader. So, leadership is one characteristic that I want to discuss today.

Leadership requires presence. Not a limited presence but a consistent presence throughout the entirety of a politicans career. We all hear statements made on the news, social media, etc., from our elected officials, that they are going to create legislation that will adequately fund infrastructure, law enforcement, and education. Again, that all sounds good, and hopefully we will see that type of legislation getting passed instead of getting cuts. I think that no matter how much money government throws at a problem, there is no way to find and remedy those problems until the leadership gets more involved.

I believe if legislators simply show their presence more often, they would be able to catch a problem before it becomes a bigger issue. I guess it could be looked at as a lady getting regular checks for breast cancer or a man getting regular checks for prostate cancer. We have these medical check ups so that we can catch problems before the problem becomes irreversible. If we can get leadership to simply monitor areas that need a higher priority level, I think that we will start to see a more efficient and effective government on the behalf the citizens. That is one thing that I am prepared to bring to the table as an elected official, that is, leadership through a strong presence and strong sense of concern.
