Clay, McCaskill Author Protecting Communities and Police Act of 2015

Press Release

In the aftermath of the tragic death of Michael Brown and the violence that followed in Ferguson, Missouri and other disturbing police/community confrontations across the nation, Congressman Wm. Lacy Clay (D) Missouri and Senator Claire McCaskill (D) Missouri have teamed up to author "The Protecting Communities and Police Act of 2015."

The sweeping law enforcement reform bill was introduced today in the U.S. Senate by Senator McCaskill. Congressman Clay will introduce the companion bill when the U.S. House reconvenes next week. The bill would protect both communities and the police officers who are sworn to serve them by reforming and tracking how local law enforcement agencies acquire surplus military equipment and by enhancing officer training and sensitivity to reduce the use of excessive force.

"I'm very pleased to join with my great friend and colleague Senator McCaskill to coauthor this strong legislation," Clay said. "Our bill directly addresses the excessive militarization of local police, which I witnessed first-hand in Ferguson. It will also mandate new standards for sensitivity training to help officers interact more effectively with racially & ethnically diverse communities, new immigrants, the mentally ill and disabled Americans. This enhanced training will protect both the public and police officers by helping to deescalate volatile situations before they lead to the use of force."

"The bottom line is, this equipment saves lives, but these programs need reform," said McCaskill, a senior member of the Senate ArmedServices and Homeland Security Committees. "And that's exactly what this bill would do."
