Rogers: Fighting for the Depot

Date: April 30, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Mike Rogers made the following remarks after passage of the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) of 2016 out of the House Armed Service Committee (HASC), which included language that would help protect jobs at the Anniston Army Depot.

The language included in the NDAA would prohibit furloughs at Working Capital Fund facilities, such as the Depot, as long as there is funded workload. When sequestration first went into effect, a one-size-fits-all approach was used and unnecessary furloughs took place. This language will keep that from happening again.

In addition, Rogers, along with his colleagues, offered an amendment with Congressman Rob Bishop (R-UT) that would exempt civilian jobs funded by the Working Capital Fund, like those jobs at the Depot, from the planned 20 percent reduction at headquarters such as the Pentagon.

"The Anniston Army Depot is one of the largest employers in our area and is the most efficient production and maintenance facility the Army has. The Depot helps ensure our men and women in uniform have the best possible resources to support their missions. I was pleased with these inclusions in the NDAA this year. I will continue to fight for the jobs and long-term security of the Depot," Rogers said.
