E-Newsletter - The McKinley Capitol Report: 4/24/2015

Date: April 24, 2015

Common Sense on Energy Efficiency

Early this week, the House approved an energy efficiency plan proposed by Rep. Peter Welch (D-VT) and me. Our bipartisan bill encourages owners and tenants to voluntarily improve energy efficiency by using incentives not punishments. It also includes new proposals for federal buildings and hot water heaters to make them more efficient and save taxpayer dollars.

As someone who has worked in the construction industry for over 50 years, I know how we can improve efficiency and save money and energy. This bill shows how when Democrats and Republicans come together we can get common sense improvements passed.

The Inconvenient Truth About Coal Power Plants

According to the United Nations, shutting down all of America's coal-fired power plants would reduce global carbon dioxide emissions by only two-tenths of 1% - a fraction of a fraction.

Why is this important? President Obama's EPA is implementing regulations that threaten to shut down a number of coal power plants because they claim the carbon dioxide is harming our environment. This radical environmentalist agenda will drive energy prices up, move manufacturers overseas, and make our electric grid unreliable.

Have a great week,
