Rep. Peterson's Newsletter 12/19/2014


Dear Friends,

The holiday season is a time of tradition and family, helping us to remember those things in life that are most important. As we share in laughter and cheer with loved ones, we extend our sincerest thanks to the men and women in uniform who allow us to enjoy the blessings we celebrate. This week, FSA educational seminars about the Farm Bill's risk management programs continued in Roseau, and I was there to see how implementation is going. I also attended the annual Detroit Lakes Chamber of Commerce agriculture event. Finally, as the New Year approaches, I would like to wish you the best this holiday season.

Detroit Lakes Chamber of Commerce

I attended the annual Detroit Lakes Chamber of Commerce agriculture event at the Callaway Community Center on Wednesday. The event, led by Audubon farmer Bruce Hein, featured presentations on state planning and agriculture policy. I had the opportunity to address nearly 30 community leaders, elected officials, and farmers about the current efforts to implement the Farm Bill, and my reaffirmed my expectations to continue to work in a bipartisan manner on a number of these issues important to my constituents.

Farm Bill Risk Management

As part of my commitment to overseeing the implementation of new Farm Bill, I joined around 250 farmers at a Minnesota Farm Service Agency and University of Minnesota Extension educational seminar in Roseau on Thursday. I was glad to see that the presentations were informative and helpful for the attendees, and I was able to gain first-hand knowledge of how USDA is helping producers make decisions regarding new risk management programs authorized by the 2014 Farm Bill. At the end, I was able to make some comments and take some questions and advice from the producers.

Legislative Update

Change in Cuba Policy

This week, the United States announced plans to reestablish diplomatic and commercial relations with Cuba. For more than 50 years, the United States has maintained a failed policy that has done nothing to help the Cuban people and has only hamstrung our own national interests. Cuba used to be one of our big agricultural markets before we cut off ties, and I believe these changes will help us get those markets back while helping the people who are struggling under the Communist government. A majority of these changes are something we've been trying to do since I introduced legislation to fix this a few years ago (the Travel Restriction Reform and Export Enhancement Act). I believe opening up travel and commerce will significantly help the Cuban people and their economy.

1914 Christmas Truce

The holidays are especially meaningful for service members and their families, particularly as this year marks the 100th anniversary of the World War I "Christmas Truce." The Christmas Truce was a series of widespread ceasefires along the Western Front on Christmas Eve, 1914 that illustrated the communal essence of the holiday. Roughly 100,000 opposing British and German troops participated in the unofficial truce to exchange seasonal greetings, food, and souvenirs. Several of these meetings, which often included football matches, ended with caroling.

This display of humanity during one of the world's largest conflicts has come to exemplify the meaning of the holidays, reminding us of the potential to find common ground and remember what is truly important.
