Rep. Marino Backs Amicus Brief Challenging the President's Amnesty

Press Release

Date: Dec. 29, 2014
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Legal Immigration

Congressman Tom Marino, PA-10, Lycoming County signed on to support the amicus brief filed by the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) last week. The brief is supported by more than two dozen states and 68 Members of Congress in challenging President Obama's recent Presidential Memorandum -- Modernizing and Streamlining the U.S. Immigrant Visa System for the 21st Century dubbed "executive amnesty." ACLJ also created the Committee to Defend the Separation of Powers of which more than 60,000 citizens joined in an additional effort to halt Obama's unconstitutional move towards illegal immigrant legalization.

The case, State of Texas v. United States of America, argues the president's directive to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is in contradiction with Congress' authority to create immigration policy. It states Congress has a standing classification system for aliens and DHS's new directive changes those laws and sets new policy without the authorization of Congress which has interrupted the balance of power among the three branches of government.

It further argues the executive branch has abdicated one its chief responsibilities to "faithfully execute the law" and thereby "exceeded the bounds of their prosecutorial discretion."

Congressman Marino said the following of the brief:

"I have said it before and I will say it again; the best way to stop President Obama's executive overreach in our immigration policies, and even healthcare for that matter, is through the courts. I firmly believe through our legal system we will achieve the results Americans demand. We have the best legal system in the world. The public trusts decisions made in courts through rigorous analysis and interpretation. What they do not trust is the relentless political jockeying over serious issues that have detrimental impacts on our nation's future. I am grateful for the opportunity to register my support of ACLJ's efforts with the court as a result of my longstanding legal background and I am confident we can move this forward in conjunction with additional congressional actions coming soon in the 114th."
