"Rep. Trott: "The American People Deserve Better than Obamacare"


Date: Feb. 3, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Representative Dave Trott (MI-11) today released the following statement after voting in support of legislation that repeals President Obama's health care law and requires Congress to craft better solutions to reform health care in America:

"Hard-working families and job providers in Southeast Michigan continue to be hurt by Obamacare. Despite the President's promises, this disastrous law has made health care more expensive, forced people to lose the health coverage they liked, and made small businesses cut people's hours and jobs. The American people deserve better than Obamacare. That is why I am committed to working with my colleagues in both parties to replace the failed health care law with bipartisan, patient-centered solutions that actually lower costs and improve care."
