Brat Statement on Preventing IRS Targeting of Political Groups


Date: April 17, 2015

This week, I voted for H.R. 709, the Prevent Targeting at the IRS Act, which authorizes the IRS to terminate employees who target individuals or groups based on their political beliefs.

"In 1998, Congress enacted the IRS Restructuring and Reform Act, which calls for the immediate termination of any employee who commits one of what was coined the "10 Deadly Sins' against taxpayers. This new bill explicitly adds the targeting because of politics to that list of "deadly sins.'

"The IRS's targeting of political groups is beyond reprehensible and flies in the face of everything for which our country stands. Our first amendment right guarantees that no one can be punished for their political opinions. Simply put, the transgression that took place was un-American, and it will not be tolerated."
