Fitzpatrick Recieves Letters From Students On 'Unsustainable' National Debt

Press Release

Date: March 13, 2015
Location: Langhorne, PA

Congressman Mike Fitzpatrick (PA-8) met with Newtown Middle School teacher Joe Fabrizio Thursday at his district office and received 130 letters from students on the growth of the national debt and its impact on their futures.

"Bucks County students get it: We can't saddle future generations with burdensome debts and expect them to reach their full potential. It's unfair to them, and it's dangerous for our nation," said Fitzpatrick. "Mr. Fabrizio's students are doing a great job at educating themselves on the impact of the federal government's massive spending and are ensuring their voices are heard."

Fitzpatrick received similar letters from students last year and read them at a Financial Services Committee hearing on the impact of the national debt on the economy, capital markets and other areas of federal oversight. David Cote, CEO of Honeywell, who was testifying at the hearing remarked, "They're absolutely right. They're the ones that are going to be the most affected by this."
