Mikulski Meets With Prince Goerge's County Mocha Moms

Date: May 5, 2005
Location: Mitchville, MD

Mikulski Meets With Prince Goerge's County Mocha Moms

Discusses Social Security Privatization, Uterine Fibroids legislation

Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD) met today with a group of young women, from the organization Mocha Moms to discuss issues affecting their families. Senator Mikulski joined in their discussion of the privatization of Social Security, and shared information about her uterine fibroids legislation.

Mocha Moms is a support group for mothers of color who have chosen not to work full-time outside of their homes. From it's founding in 1997, Mocha Moms has expanded to over 23 states and now has 10 chapters in Maryland alone.

Senator Mikulski spoke to the Mocha Moms about her fight to protect Social Security from privatization, emphasizing the negative effects this could have on parents that leave the workplace to stay home with their children. "I am absolutely, emphatically, irrevocably opposed to privatization of Social Security," said Senator Mikulski. "Whether a mother is at home raising children, or in the workplace, Social Security must remain a guaranteed benefit, not a guaranteed gamble. I am going to fight to keep ‘security' in Social Security."

This Congress, Senator Mikulski will introduce the Uterine Fibroids Research and Education Act with her House of Representatives colleague, Congresswoman Stephanie Tubbs Jones. This bill doubles funding for uterine fibroids research, and establishes a public education campaign for women and their health care providers. African American women are two to three times more likely to develop uterine fibroids.

"While three quarters of all reproductive age women have uterine fibroids, little is known about them and few good treatment options are available," said Senator Mikulski. "Right now, hysterectomy is the most common treatment for uterine fibroids. Women deserve better. I'm fighting to expand research so we can find new and better ways to treat or even cure uterine fibroids."

