Obamacare's Individual Mandate


Date: Feb. 10, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Congressman Bruce Poliquin agreed to become a cosponsor of H.R. 143, the Patient Freedom Act. This bill will repeal ObamaCare's individual mandate. Congressman Poliquin released the following statement:

"I'm proud to help repeal ObamaCare's penalizing individual mandate. Our hard-working families should not be fined for opting not to purchase a health insurance plan that does not fit their budget or health care needs.

"I will closely monitor this bill as it makes its way to the House floor. As with previous bills which I have already supported or cosponsored, such as the repeal of the ObamaCare 30-hour work week rule and the medical device tax, I will continue to fight to eliminate the parts of ObamaCare that are limiting choices for our families and killing jobs in our Second Congressional District and throughout America.

"In the meantime, I will continue to push for the best solution to remove big government from our health insurance industry and encourage the free-market to provide our families with the health care choices they want at costs they can afford. We must fix the mess that ObamaCare has created for our families and small businesses."
