Conference Report On S. Con. Res. 11, Concurrent Resolution On The Budget, Fiscal Year 2016

Floor Speech

Date: April 30, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. SCALISE. Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the gentleman from Georgia for yielding and also for his leadership in bringing this budget to the floor. I really want to thank the entire Committee on the Budget and the conferees for doing the hard work and the responsible work of finally focusing on bringing responsibility and fiscal discipline back to Washington.

If you look at what has been happening all across the country, people are struggling. These are tough times. It is a tough economy. People's wages are stagnant. They are paying more for food. They are paying more for electricity. They are surely paying more for health care.

They are looking to Washington and saying: Why doesn't Washington start focusing on these problems? Why doesn't Washington do what families are doing? Hard-working taxpayers live within their means. Why can't Washington do the same?

This budget does that. It focuses on creating a healthy economy, actually getting jobs, and getting people back to work in this country, forcing Washington to finally balance the Federal budget.

Mr. Speaker, when we pass this budget, it will represent the first time since 2001 that Congress has come together to pass a budget that balances in the 10-year window. That shouldn't be something that happens every 14 years; that should be something we do every year.

The other side surely didn't do it when they were in the majority. In fact, none of the budgets they brought to the floor ever get to balance--not 10 years, not 20 years, not 50 years. They rack up more debt. They increase taxes. There are over $2 trillion of new taxes in the President's budget that he proposed, and he never gets to balance.

This budget not only calls for good tax reform to make our country competitive again, lower rates so that families can keep more of their money and invest in themselves and not grow the size of government, but it actually focuses on getting more jobs in this country and stop shipping jobs out of the country.

It repeals the President's healthcare law that is causing so many problems, millions of people losing the good healthcare plans they have and paying more for it.

We have got to finally bring this discipline back and finally force Washington to do what families have been doing and be responsible.

It is a good budget. I am glad that we are going to be bringing it to the floor and passing it. Let's get to doing the other work we need to do to get our economy back on track, and it starts here.

