Senator David Perdue Votes Against Loretta Lynch Nomination For Attorney General


Date: Feb. 26, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Senator David Perdue (R-GA), a member of the Judiciary Committee, today voted against the nomination of Loretta Lynch for Attorney General:

"Today, I voted against Loretta Lynch's nomination to be Attorney General. As I stated a few weeks ago, Ms. Lynch's resume is very impressive and is not what leads me to oppose her nomination. After years of mismanagement and politicization by Attorney General Eric Holder, the Department of Justice needs an Attorney General who is committed to putting the law above politics. I thoroughly reviewed Ms. Lynch's record and testimony, and I am not convinced she can provide the kind of independent leadership required to make consistent law enforcement, not partisan politics, the Justice Department's top priority once again.

"I strongly disagree with her support for President Obama's executive amnesty for millions of illegal immigrants, which a federal district court found to be unlawful last week. I am simply not confident that Ms. Lynch will defend the Constitution, especially when the President seeks to abuse his power, and I cannot support her nomination."
