Senators Isakson, Perdue Fight to Fully Repeal Obamacare


Date: Feb. 3, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Senators Johnny Isakson (R-GA) and David Perdue (R-GA) today co-sponsored legislation to fully repeal Obamacare.

The Obamacare Repeal Act was introduced by Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and has 44 co-sponsors. The legislation would fully repeal Obamacare effective 180 days after its enactment, allowing Congress and the states six months to develop and vote on new patient-centered health care reform.

"Since the day that Obamacare was signed into law, I have worked to repeal it because of its terrible consequences for America's families and small businesses," said Senator Isakson. "Hardly a day goes by when I don't hear from Georgians who are seeing the cost of their health care go up, or who can't keep their insurance or continue seeing their doctor, all because of Obamacare. This entire law is fundamentally flawed and must be taken out root and branch. We need commonsense solutions that improve the cost and quality of health care through competition and choice, rather than imposing job-killing taxes, mandates, and penalties on the American people."

"Georgia families and small businesses, as well as people all over the country, have been hurt by the effects of Obamacare," said Senator Perdue. "Since this disastrous law has been put in place, millions of people have been denied access to their doctors and the cost of healthcare has continued to skyrocket. Obamacare has prevented businesses from hiring and slashed employees' hours, further damaging our economy. I'm proud to stand with the people of Georgia in rejecting this flawed law, because Obamacare has hurt the middle class for too long and now it must go."
