Medicare Access and Chip Reauthorization Act of 2015

Floor Speech

[Break in Transcript]

Mr. Speaker, I want to thank the chairman of the
Subcommittee on Health on Energy and Commerce. Mr. Speaker, I omitted
one of the people that should have been thanked earlier in my remarks
from the House Legislative Counsel, Michelle Vanek, who worked so hard
on the language that is before us today.

Mr. Speaker, a year ago I came to this floor, we had a similar vote,
and I talked about how important it was to send a positive message,
because last year it was the key that would get us through the door.
Well, guess what, Mr. Speaker. This year, not only will the key get us
through the door; we are going to knock the darned door down.

We do need a strong vote today. We saw it evidenced on the rule. I
urge all of my colleagues to get behind this legislation. It may not
have been everything you want, it may not have been what you would have
done if you had done it by yourself, but this is a collaborative body.
This is the work of a collaborative body. Now we need to send it over
to the world's greatest deliberative body. Let them deliberate for only
a short period of time because of the thunderous approval that has come
from the people's House.

Mr. Speaker, it is time to end the SGR. Let us never speak of this
issue again.

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