Congressman Jim Bridenstine Introduces H.R. 89, The Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act


Date: Jan. 8, 2015
Location: Washington, DC
Issues: Energy

On the first day of the 114th Congress, Rep. Jim Bridenstine (R-OK) introduced legislation to expedite the export of liquefied national gas to our allies, particularly those in Eastern Europe whose energy supplies are subject to the whims of Vladimir Putin.

H.R. 89, the Domestic Prosperity and Global Freedom Act, calls for pending liquefied natural gas (LNG) export applications to be granted immediately upon enactment of the bill. Further, the bill adjusts the burden needed for additional Department of Energy approval of applications. Currently, all applications for exports to countries not having a free trade agreement with the United States are subject to an additional level of scrutiny. H.R. 89 modifies the law to remove this requirement from LNG export applications to World Trade Organization countries.

"Control a nation's energy supply and you control the nation," said Congressman Bridenstine. "Vladimir Putin is using this method to control former Soviet satellite states."

Bridenstine continued: "We can provide our allies in Eastern Europe with a secure energy supply and simultaneously increase our national security by eliminating a major source of government revenue for a major geo-political foe. This bill will also empower the private sector to create well-paying American jobs and spur economic growth by harnessing our nation's energy resources and removing federal impediments to foreign markets.

"The United States is the world's largest natural gas producer. We have an unprecedented opportunity to enhance our national security while incentivizing further development of natural gas supplies domestically. This bill is identical to legislation sponsored in the 113th Congress by now-Senator Cory Gardner, which passed the House of Representatives on a bipartisan basis, 266 to 150. I encourage my colleagues to cosponsor this legislation and will work toward its swift passage in the 114th Congress."
