Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act of 2015

Floor Speech

Date: Jan. 14, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. SALMON. Madam Chairman, I yield myself such time as I may

Madam Chairman, they say sunlight is the best disinfectant. We are
trying to shed a little sunlight on some of the problems with the
President's unconstitutional and illegal executive order of last year.

I am incredulous that the leader of the opposition has now encouraged
the Members of the opposition to vote, en bloc, against all these
commonsense amendments defending the American worker, protecting the
American worker, cracking down on the molesters and sex offenders, and
making sure that they don't have a haven here in America, and making
sure that those who want legal immigration are the first and foremost
that we consider in this process, and that those who cheated the system
have to get behind those folks that are doing it legally before their
paperwork can be processed.

It is incredulous that the other side would oppose such commonsense
measures that I believe most of America is crying for. People are
hurting out there. Maybe they haven't gotten the memo, but I think most
of us have.

The other thing that is incredulous is that when you hear a lot of
squealing, you know when you have hit a raw nerve; you know there is
some truth to what is being spoken.

This amendment is simply a sense of Congress that we don't give a
$3,000 benefit to those who have cheated the system, that we don't give
a $3,000 advantage to them over hardworking, tax-paying American
citizens who have been out of work for quite some time.

As we know, President Obama recently issued a series of memos that
would essentially grant legal status to millions of people residing
illegally within the borders of the United States. Unfortunately, this
is not the first time that such action has been taken by this
administration, and history has a habit of repeating itself.

Under Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, DACA, up to 1.7 million
individuals were granted legal status and were allowed to cut in line,
being given preferential treatment over those who respected our laws
and waited patiently for their immigration cases to be processed.

Furthermore, while these individuals who were given legal status
under DACA were initially required to purchase health insurance under
ObamaCare, they were later exempted from that requirement. With this
exemption, those given legal status under DACA are not required to
purchase insurance.

We just don't want that to happen again, and I would urge the other
side to stand up for the American worker. That is why we are here.

Madam Chairman, I yield back the balance of my time.

