Congressman Tim Ryan Letter to Tamarkin Company and Teamsters 377


By: Tim Ryan
By: Tim Ryan
Date: Dec. 22, 2014
Issues: Labor Unions

Congressman Tim Ryan issued the following letter, calling on The Tamarkin Company and Teamsters Local 377 to continue attempts to settle their labor dispute.

To Whom It May Concern,

I am calling on the management team at Tamarkin, a subsidiary of Giant Eagle, and members of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters Local 377, to quickly and efficiently negotiate a fair resolution to the ongoing labor dispute. The result of an impasse is simply not in the best interests of the workers, the company or this community.

It is natural and understandable for each side to fight passionately for what they believe in, but common ground and compromise is required to reach a successful outcome. Both sides should be commended for their dedication and perseverance -- too much time has been spent to end the process now. The negotiating process was created to prevent costly and unnecessary disruptions that benefit neither labor nor management. It also serves to maintain the fundamental dignity of working people, and provide the company with a skilled and stable workforce.

I am hopeful that both negotiating teams will return to a good faith bargaining process and reach a fair and equitable agreement for all sides. Concerted and continuing efforts to reach an agreement can be challenging but I believe we can come to an agreement before rash decisions are made.


Tim Ryan

Member of Congress
