Bill Johnson Sworn in to the 114th Congress

Press Release

Date: Jan. 6, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Congressman Bill Johnson (R-Marietta) released the following statement after being sworn in to represent Ohio's Sixth Congressional District in the 114th Congress. This marks the start of Johnson's third term in Congress, having first been elected in 2010, and re-elected in 2012 and 2014.

"I am humbled that the people of Eastern and Southeastern Ohio have once again put their faith in me to serve them in Congress," Johnson said. "We have a tremendous amount of work ahead of us, and the road ahead is long. I will continue to be a strong voice for the people of Eastern and Southeastern Ohio on the policies that impact us most -- from reining in an overreaching massive federal bureaucracy, reigning in Washington's out-of-control spending and cutting our national debt, to securing energy independence, and growing our economy and adding jobs. And, it is my hope that the new Republican-led Senate will work with the House to help advance our pro-growth agenda. This Congress has an historic opportunity to lead on these key issues."

Johnson added, "I didn't run for office to have a title or a fancy office -- I sought to serve in order to improve the lives of the American people, to make our federal government more effective, efficient, and accountable to the American people, and to work to ensure that our children and grandchildren are blessed with the same opportunities that my generation has had. Just as when I was first elected to serve you, I still sleep in my office and return home each week; I'm a resident of Marietta -- not Washington D.C. I'll continue to lead in the House by working with members of both parties; it matters little to me whether an idea originates with the Republicans or the Democrats - what matters most to me is whether or not it will have a positive impact on the lives of the hardworking people of Eastern and Southeastern Ohio."

Once again this term, Johnson will have four district offices, located in: Marietta, Salem, Ironton, and Cambridge.

"One of the most rewarding parts of my job is helping Ohioans struggling with one of the many federal agencies through casework. I am here to assist those I serve in any way possible, from assisting with Medicare benefits, expediting a passport, helping cut through the red tape of the bureaucracy at the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), IRS or any other federal agency. I'm very proud of my office's track record of casework success. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you think I may be able to help you," said Johnson.

In the 114th Congress, Johnson was again appointed to serve on the powerful House Energy & Commerce Committee, and will serve on the Energy and Power, Environment and the Economy, and Communications and Technology Subcommittees. In addition to his Energy & Commerce duties, Johnson will also serve on the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee.
