Pearce: New FCC Rules Extinguish Internet Freedom


Date: Feb. 27, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Today, U.S. Representative Steve Pearce (N.M.-02) issued the following statement in response to the so-called Net Neutrality rules announced by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).

"Today's action by the FCC is a blatant attempt to take over the Internet by the Obama Administration and its appointed Washington, D.C. bureaucrats," stated Pearce.

"Once again we see a go-it alone power play. Three unelected FCC commissioners have imposed over 300 pages of new, unpublished rules on Americans. Sound familiar? Their action gives Washington sweeping authority over the Internet. It would be like the government running the entire publishing industry: books, magazines, newspapers and even, perhaps, diaries.

"The FCC did not seek proper input from the American people and the Congress. In classifying the Internet as a public utility, the FCC has abandoned transparency and accountability. The Commission has wrongly given the federal government more power over people in their everyday lives. The last thing we need in this country is more Washington-driven regulation where the government tells you what you can do online and at what price -- stifling innovation and growth."
