Denham Statement on 2015 State of the Union Address

Press Release

Date: Jan. 20, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Representative Jeff Denham (R-Turlock) issued the following statement regarding tonight's State of the Union address:

"The President spoke tonight about working together to craft bipartisan solutions. I hope he'll follow through on his remarks by taking up some of the bills that have already passed the House this Congress to create jobs and extend opportunity for all. I hope he'll heed his own advice when it comes to tackling tax reform and work with us to establish a fairer, flatter, simpler tax code to save American families and small business owners time and money. I hope he'll remember his comments and come to the table to work out a fiscally responsible plan for much-needed updates to our water and transportation infrastructure.

"I also hope to see the President working to follow through on the intentions of the law he signed last summer to transform healthcare and benefits system for our veterans. One project ready to make a huge difference in the quality of care for Valley veterans is the planned clinic at French Camp. Yet for years, delays with funding and planning have prevented the VA from breaking ground on the project. It's time for the VA to re-align their priorities and get construction funded at French Camp before the President's next State of the Union address."

Rep. Denham invited three guests to attend the State of the Union with him this evening. He was joined by Stanislaus County Sheriff Adam Christianson, who is serving his third term in office protecting Stanislaus County. Rep. Denham also accompanied U.S. Army Specialist Stefan LeRoy, a Wounded Warrior and California native. SPC LeRoy was a member of the Bravo, Troop 4-73rd Cavalry, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division. He was injured by an improvised explosive device blast during his first deployment to Afghanistan and sustained a double above the knee amputation. Lastly, Rep. Denham invited U.S. Army Master Sergeant Cedric Jermel King, who was deployed to Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003 and to Afghanistan in 2011, where he was severely injured by an improved explosive device. Sgt. King is a recipient of the Bronze Star medal, the Purple Heart and the Meritorious Service Medal.
