Stewart Votes to Defund the President's Immigration Executive Actions

Press Release

Date: Jan. 14, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

Today, Rep. Chris Stewart (R-Utah) voted to defund the president's unprecedented executive amnesty through the Department of Homeland Security funding bill. This bill, which passed the House 263-191, importantly funds Homeland Security, while also reaffirming the constitutional principles that only Congress has the power to write immigration laws. The President's role is simply to enforce existing laws.

"As a former Air Force pilot, I know first-hand that we live in a very dangerous world, and there's a real need for protection from the various agencies and programs under the Department of Homeland Security. But regardless of policy, the Constitution is clear -- it's the responsibility of Congress to write the law and the president's job is to enforce those laws. This bill prevents President Obama -- and future presidents -- from abusing their authority through immigration executive orders."

In addition to funding the Department of Homeland Security, this bill:

completely defunds Obama's unconstitutional immigration executive order
increases funding for Border Security
effectively ends the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) Program
prevents Illegal aliens from receiving federal benefits
adds amendments that ensure no president (current or future) will be able to carry out similar immigration power grabs by memo, executive order or regulation.
