Roby: Disappointed, Not Surprised by President's Veto


Date: Feb. 24, 2015
Location: Washington, DC

U.S. Representative Martha Roby today reacted to President Obama's veto of a bill that would hasten the long-anticipated Keystone XL Pipeline and support as many as 40,000 jobs.

Rep. Roby has been critical of the Obama Administration's foot-dragging tactics on the Keystone plan, calling them based in politics rather than what helps meet the energy and economic needs of the country. She released the following statement upon the President's veto today.

"I'm disappointed, but not surprised that President Obama vetoed a bipartisan plan to finally build the Keystone Pipeline. This project would create tens of thousands of jobs at a time when Americans need them. It would improve our ability to utilize North American sources of energy so we can reduce our dependence on foreign oil. It is a shame President Obama has looked past the proven benefits and rejected this bipartisan proposal in the name of politics.

"It is the Obama Administration's own foot-dragging on Keystone that made this legislation necessary. Now, with his veto, the buck for obstructing the Keystone Pipeline has stopped squarely on President Obama."
