Department of Homeland Security Appropriations Act, 2015

Floor Speech

Date: Jan. 13, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. STEWART. I thank the gentleman for yielding.

Mr. Chair, I would like to be very clear: this debate is not about
immigration. This debate is about something much more, much more
important than that. This is a generational conflict over something
that is very clear. It is not about Presidential prerogative or
Presidential arrogance.

As a military officer for 14 years, I had the honor of serving my
country. Prior to doing that, I took a sacred oath of office, which is
very similar to the oath that all of us took last week, to defend the
Constitution of the United States. That is what this legislation is
about. That is why this piece of legislation is so important.

This legislation seeks to restore the balance of powers. It seeks to
conform that vision that our Founding Fathers had, that miracle that
was created in Philadelphia that summer. It seeks to conform and to
preserve the principles that so many people have died for.

The President is not a king. Congress is tasked to create the law.
That is what this legislation is about. That is why it is so important
that we support it.

