Providing for Consideration of H.R. 529, Section 529 College Savings Plans Amendments; Providing for Consideration of H.R. 5, Student Success Act; and for Other Purposes

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 25, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mrs. LAWRENCE. Mr. Speaker, I rise to oppose H.R. 5. The legislation
represents a significant backward step in the efforts to help all of
our Nation's children and their families prepare for their futures.

I speak as a parent, as a grandparent, and as a past school board
president. H.R. 5 abandons the historic Federal role in education at
elementary and secondary levels. It is the role of ensuring the
educational process of all of America's students, including students
from low-income families, students with disabilities, English learners,
and students of color. It also fails to maintain the core expectation
that States and school districts will take serious, sustained, and
targeted action, when necessary, to correct achievement gaps and to
reform low-performing schools.

Additionally, H.R. 5 fails to identify opportunity gaps or to correct
inequities in access to resources and supports that students need to
succeed, such as challenging academic courses, excellent teachers and
principals, after-school enrichment or expanded learning time, and
other academic and nonacademic supports.

The bill's caps on Federal education spending would lock in recent
budget cuts for the rest of the decade, and the bill would allow funds
currently required to be used for education to be used for other
purposes, such as spending on sports stadiums or tax cuts for the

Finally, H.R. 5 fails to make critical investments for our Nation's
students, including high-quality preschool for America's children,
support for America's teachers and principals, and investment in
innovative solutions for the public education system.

For these reasons, I oppose H.R. 5. It would deny Federal funds to
the classrooms that need them the most, and it fails to assure parents
that policymakers and educators will take the action students need when
they are not learning.

