Department of Homeland Security Funding

Floor Speech

Date: Feb. 13, 2015
Location: Washington, DC


Mr. KILDEE. Mr. Speaker, I guess it is pretty clear that politics
continues. Rather than bringing to the floor of the House a bipartisan
Homeland Security bill, what the House brought to the floor back in
January was a highly political, highly partisan bill--anti-immigrant
legislation--that they knew was dead on arrival when it landed in the
Senate. So let's make the record clear:

Democrats and Republicans have agreed to a clean Homeland Security
bill; but rather than bringing that to the House floor for a vote, we
continue to see the House Republican leadership pander to the most
extreme, anti-immigrant voices in their party.

That is not what the American people expect of us. It is politics as
usual. I do not understand why it continues to be the order of the day
here. The American people reject that. We should be focusing our
attention on the big questions: building an economy for the American
people that works for everybody rather than for the few, rather than an
economy rigged for the few.

Look, the American people are tired of this. I know other Members of
Congress on both sides of the aisle are tired of this. Bring a clean
Homeland Security bill to the floor.

